Monday, June 2, 2014

TITTIES: This blog isn't what you think

I'm of a mind that we demonize words too much. For example, if I use the word 'tittie' in my post, especially in appreciation of a woman's breasts, I'm sure there would be a lot of people who create negative realities in their field, and attempt to, in the reality they consider true, to project that onto me. But it seems, that men are attracted to tits for a reason...I'm thinking it might be evolutionary lol. But there is a Sumerian word, TIIT, which means "That which is life". Sumer is the oldest known civilization of this societal era, which means that much of the culture we have today is more or less rooted in Sumerian ways. I say more or less because Sumer is a branch of even older cultures and civilizations of even more ancient eras.

Anyway, back to the point. I think the word TIIT is where the words 'tit(s)' and 'tittie(s)' come from. I remember when I first learned of this ancient word in a David Icke book, and said to myself, "how fitting that we call them tits!" Do they not give and nourish life to young developing humans?

To sum up, TITs are life!


G.A.B.E. aka

Excelsior Joymagic


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