From All credit to those geniuses over there.
Now that that has been said, I received this email today, another confirmation from the universe for me, and, hopefully, for you.
Posted: 02 Aug 2014 06:00 AM PDT
If you can become a lion in a world that is dominated by sheep, you will WIN
Therefore, below are the three characteristics that make a lion, a lion in this day and age.
1. Have no filter
Speak your mind. Be as blunt as possible. Don’t sugar coat anything. Sugar coating is only for mediocre minds that go out of their way to avoid conflict.
Sheep avoid conflict.
Sheep avoid stepping on toes and that is why they never reach where they desire to go.
On this road you’re going to have to make a few enemies, it’s going to happen regardless of whether you want it to or not.
Therefore, don’t be afraid.
Say what you feel.
This goes both ways.
It doesn’t just mean that you should be a complete dick. It means you should speak to existence all the love, passion, and excitement you feel as well.
Stop judging your thoughts and start SHARING
Experience yourself fully and do away with the filter that society has pressed upon you.
2. When you set your mind to something, ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK
When lions spot their prey, they attack.
They don’t think about it.
They don’t stress about it.
They don’t weigh the pros and cons.
They just attack.
Aggression is the name of the game; you have to move with aggression.
You have to make bold moves.
So many people pussyfoot around what needs to be done. They just keep playing it safe. They don’t put themselves out there and that is why they don’t succeed.
We humans spend a lot of time in our head instead of actually doing what it is we need to be doing.
Therefore stop thinking about it and just start doing.
3. Be willing to be different
If you want to be a lion in a world that is consumed with sheep, you have to be willing to stick out like a sore thumb.
You have to be willing to be scrutinized, hated, and shunned by the sheep.
Sheep are not fit to understand the intentions of a lion so when you tell the world what you want to achieve, they will laugh, they will ridicule, and they will mock.
However, you have to continue to press on.
You can’t let the sheep kill the lion within you.
It’s going to be a lonely road that you must be willing to travel alone.
Continue down your own path and never stop.
Keep pushing it to the limit.
No matter how badly you feel like giving up and joining the sheep, press on because one day you will live the life of a true lion, a life that the sheep cannot even fathom let alone reach.
It’s not going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it.
Your reward for being a lion is success, massive success.
So continue to achieve, continue to do, continue to create and most importantly, continue to be…a lion.
Goldiamond Awareness Blog!
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
"I Don't Curse"? Pshaw.
Some people say, "I don't curse." Well, for one I don't curse either, I emphasize with fucking cool words and two, if you think speak or act with negative intention, you actually do curse, and that worse than any of the "words you can't say on television".
It's not the words you say it's always the intention behind them. If you give a person a beautiful gift, but you are thinking about how much you hate them, your energy is moving out to curse them, your energy is attacking them with negativity, and actually helping to keep their spiritual growth stagnant. These thoughts are also doing the same to YOU.
We humans sometimes take our inner processes for granted. We feel very uncomfortable with what we consider to be 'curse words, and we tend to reject or distance ourselves from those things. But the truth is, through our own thoughts we have created the 'taboo-ness' of curse words. We are the ones thinking the thought of 'forbidden'.
Most humans believe that 'out there' is a reality with an intrinsic existence regardless of their presence--not so. Quantum Mechanics tells us otherwise. QM tells us that we affect and alter our milieu simply by observing it. The one looking has the power, not the things being looked at. The observer (WE) is the intrinsic reality, not the world 'out there'.
If you've ever heard the saying "wherever you go, there you are" it aligns with the message of this entry. What's the common denominator of every experience you are in? YOU! You are observing all you experiences. Thus means that whatever judgment you have about, or intention you have toward any aspect of your experience, shows how you have chosen to observe it. I say 'chosen' because the observer is the intrinsic reality, remember? Each thought and intention you have colors your experience, not the other way around. Thusly,the only way you could truly be coming to judgments about the experience is through naked choice, dependent on no circumstance. Of course it does not appear this way, but, to reiterate, it is.
So back to the 'curse words'. I use words like fuck and shit, and I believe that these words add a unique emphasis to whatever it is that I am saying. People might berate me for that. However, I've known people who have never uttered a 'curse word' and they spew more venomous 'curses' (aka negative words and intentions) or others than people I've known who use thevforbidden words people hate so much. Could it be that, as observers, curse words became that way because we have cursed them? Might we prefer to change how we really curse ourselves and each other instead of complaining about some words that we have collectively cursed? These are some interesting questions that require us to think differently about the nature of our daily reality, and to start transforming our thoughts, words, and behaviors to BLESS ourselves and others, instead or cursing. Then I believe we can make real changes, instead of complaining about things we don't understand how we've contributed to their negative effects.
Peace and NO GREASE (because that's nasty),
G.A.B.E aka
Excelsior Joymagick
It's not the words you say it's always the intention behind them. If you give a person a beautiful gift, but you are thinking about how much you hate them, your energy is moving out to curse them, your energy is attacking them with negativity, and actually helping to keep their spiritual growth stagnant. These thoughts are also doing the same to YOU.
We humans sometimes take our inner processes for granted. We feel very uncomfortable with what we consider to be 'curse words, and we tend to reject or distance ourselves from those things. But the truth is, through our own thoughts we have created the 'taboo-ness' of curse words. We are the ones thinking the thought of 'forbidden'.
Most humans believe that 'out there' is a reality with an intrinsic existence regardless of their presence--not so. Quantum Mechanics tells us otherwise. QM tells us that we affect and alter our milieu simply by observing it. The one looking has the power, not the things being looked at. The observer (WE) is the intrinsic reality, not the world 'out there'.
If you've ever heard the saying "wherever you go, there you are" it aligns with the message of this entry. What's the common denominator of every experience you are in? YOU! You are observing all you experiences. Thus means that whatever judgment you have about, or intention you have toward any aspect of your experience, shows how you have chosen to observe it. I say 'chosen' because the observer is the intrinsic reality, remember? Each thought and intention you have colors your experience, not the other way around. Thusly,the only way you could truly be coming to judgments about the experience is through naked choice, dependent on no circumstance. Of course it does not appear this way, but, to reiterate, it is.
So back to the 'curse words'. I use words like fuck and shit, and I believe that these words add a unique emphasis to whatever it is that I am saying. People might berate me for that. However, I've known people who have never uttered a 'curse word' and they spew more venomous 'curses' (aka negative words and intentions) or others than people I've known who use thevforbidden words people hate so much. Could it be that, as observers, curse words became that way because we have cursed them? Might we prefer to change how we really curse ourselves and each other instead of complaining about some words that we have collectively cursed? These are some interesting questions that require us to think differently about the nature of our daily reality, and to start transforming our thoughts, words, and behaviors to BLESS ourselves and others, instead or cursing. Then I believe we can make real changes, instead of complaining about things we don't understand how we've contributed to their negative effects.
Peace and NO GREASE (because that's nasty),
G.A.B.E aka
Excelsior Joymagick
Saturday, June 7, 2014
I will never demonize religion. Make fun of its staggering ability to take itself too seriously, yes. Demonize it? No. I believe that the Universe helps us learn no matter what the medium. Wisdom is wisdom.
I used to be Christian. I used to be Jewish. Both had their high points. After I had seen the evidence that my spirit was bigger than any religion, I no longer subscribed to them.
However, seven years ago, I went through one of the darkest periods of my life. My being was vomiting out A LOT OF BS, and I had very little hope in myself. One night, very late, I couldn't sleep, so I turned on the television. I flipped through the channels, and came across one that featured Joel Osteen, a Christian preacher, speaking on hope and faith. At first I was about to change the channel--I'm not Christian, I thought to myself--but I was drawn in, and the message was so powerful, it eventually brought me to tears.
Listen, I could talk about the corruption behind any major figure in the world (trust me, they've all got some), but at that moment, I was shown that sometimes, beliefs don't matter. What matters is that you walk away with what's important for you to grow.
This is what the leaders and participants of organized religions, if they haven't already, need to learn. Once all religions realize that they're all part of a prism that looks at the same Creator, but interprets this Creator through different perspectives, we can share an unprecedented level of peace that our society has known (at least in the last few millenia).
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
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Monday, June 2, 2014
TITTIES: This blog isn't what you think
I'm of a mind that we demonize words too much. For example, if I use the word 'tittie' in my post, especially in appreciation of a woman's breasts, I'm sure there would be a lot of people who create negative realities in their field, and attempt to, in the reality they consider true, to project that onto me. But it seems, that men are attracted to tits for a reason...I'm thinking it might be evolutionary lol. But there is a Sumerian word, TIIT, which means "That which is life". Sumer is the oldest known civilization of this societal era, which means that much of the culture we have today is more or less rooted in Sumerian ways. I say more or less because Sumer is a branch of even older cultures and civilizations of even more ancient eras.
Anyway, back to the point. I think the word TIIT is where the words 'tit(s)' and 'tittie(s)' come from. I remember when I first learned of this ancient word in a David Icke book, and said to myself, "how fitting that we call them tits!" Do they not give and nourish life to young developing humans?
To sum up, TITs are life!
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Judiciary Chief Sadeq Larijani: Stop My Son’s Execution
I got this in an email. Please read and sign!
My Son Shahram Ahmadi has been sentenced to death. His case will be reviewed by the Supreme Court in the upcoming weeks. He is 26 years old and has spent the last 6 years of his life in prison. I couldn’t stop the execution of his younger brother Bahram and had a heart attack when I heard the news. The Iranian government refuses to hand over Bahram’s body. Now I need your help to stop Shahram’s execution.
Bahram, on the right in the picture above, has been executed and Shahram, on the left, can be saved.
We are Sunni and Kurd. My son Shahram like many other Sunni youths has been critical of how badly the Iranian government treats the Sunni minority. Security police arrested him in April 2009 on his way home from mosque in our town, Sanandaj. They shot, beat, and kicked my son in the face, breaking his nose and head. They took him to the Intelligence Bureau of Sanandaj and subjected him to severe torture including electric shocks and forced him to falsely confess to armed resistance. It took the authorities 10 months before they allowed us to see him.
My son's trial was unfair. The authorities kept him in detention for 4 years before charging him. The first time they allowed him to talk to his attorney was on the day of his trial. His trial lasted less than 10 minutes. Judge Mohammad Moghiseh used his coerced confession, the only evidence against him, to declare him a mohareb (enemy of God). I have no doubt that my son would have been found innocent if he had received a fair trial.
Your support could save my son. In the past international pressure has been instrumental in protecting individuals who had been unfairly prosecuted in Iran. A recent example is Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani who in 2006 was sentenced to stoning. Due to international pressure her sentence was later reduced to 10 years in prison and in March of this year, the Iranian judiciary announced that she has been released.
Shahram is not the only one at risk. Dozens of other Kurds have been unfairly sentenced to death. Most of their cases are waiting review by the Supreme Court. We do not have much time. Please help me save my son and the other Kurds' lives by asking Iranian officials to halt their executions and grant them fair trials.
Friday, May 30, 2014
The Dark Knight and me in's not what you think
When I first saw 'The Dark Knight' in 2008, I was haunted by Heath Ledger's performance. I don't know or care whether you believe this, but many of the best actors in hollywood invoke spirits for their performance, many of them knowingly invoke what most of us know as 'demons'.
A demon is what I felt in Heath's performance when I saw it. The evil was so strong, I could barely handle it. I did some esoteric research afterward, and I found out the invocation secret that most actors do. Not all of them are evil, of course, many of us think of our 'power animal' or our ancestors to give us strength during tough times. However, Heath was another matter.
If you look at some of the most famous figures of the 20th century, you find that they were nobodies in their craft, then suddenly changed their style and became insanely famous--they also died very tragic deaths.
It is my belief that, these celebrities willingly allow their bodies to be influenced by demon forces--bear with me here. These forces eventually drive them insane, and they take a lot of drugs to lessen the influence in their consciousness. Unfortunately, because these celebrities are not self-empowered, the influences get so strong, that the only way to block them out is to overdose on drugs. This is the ubiquitous 'death-by-drugs' event that you hear many celebrities succumb to (Of course a lot of them are also murdered, but that's a different story).
I also saw a pretty chilling video of an intoxicated Jack Nicholson, who played the Joker in 1989's 'Batman' and was interviewed briefly after strolling out of a restaurant or something. They interviewer asked him what he thought about Heath's death, to which Nicholson answered "I warned him." What?!? This was when my Spider-sense really went off regarding these invocation rituals.
Though I have no hard evidence that Heath actually invoked a demon for his performance as the Joker, it's not really a stretch to assume that hollywood folk are into some really strange shit. I can't presume to be totally correct in my claim, but I feel that I'm at least close to the truth in my esoteric inferences.
Why am i sharing all this with you? Because, after I saw "The Dark Knight", I saw everyone saying it was the best comic book movie of all time, and I was like "Everyone's worshiping a demon." I couldn't watch the movie in its entirety for years. (It wasn't a 'scared of the dark' thing, I would literally feel that energy everytime)
Well, I just saw the Dark Knight a few days ago, and I'm proud to say, that my inner light work made watching that movie not so intense. I was able to really zoom in on Heath's performance and appreciate it. I was able to appreciate the entire movie for what it was. Now I see the character as truly funny, truly genius, and I don't succumb to it anymore. I have too much light for that.
Eh, me an ma blabbin'.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
A demon is what I felt in Heath's performance when I saw it. The evil was so strong, I could barely handle it. I did some esoteric research afterward, and I found out the invocation secret that most actors do. Not all of them are evil, of course, many of us think of our 'power animal' or our ancestors to give us strength during tough times. However, Heath was another matter.
If you look at some of the most famous figures of the 20th century, you find that they were nobodies in their craft, then suddenly changed their style and became insanely famous--they also died very tragic deaths.
It is my belief that, these celebrities willingly allow their bodies to be influenced by demon forces--bear with me here. These forces eventually drive them insane, and they take a lot of drugs to lessen the influence in their consciousness. Unfortunately, because these celebrities are not self-empowered, the influences get so strong, that the only way to block them out is to overdose on drugs. This is the ubiquitous 'death-by-drugs' event that you hear many celebrities succumb to (Of course a lot of them are also murdered, but that's a different story).
I also saw a pretty chilling video of an intoxicated Jack Nicholson, who played the Joker in 1989's 'Batman' and was interviewed briefly after strolling out of a restaurant or something. They interviewer asked him what he thought about Heath's death, to which Nicholson answered "I warned him." What?!? This was when my Spider-sense really went off regarding these invocation rituals.
Though I have no hard evidence that Heath actually invoked a demon for his performance as the Joker, it's not really a stretch to assume that hollywood folk are into some really strange shit. I can't presume to be totally correct in my claim, but I feel that I'm at least close to the truth in my esoteric inferences.
Why am i sharing all this with you? Because, after I saw "The Dark Knight", I saw everyone saying it was the best comic book movie of all time, and I was like "Everyone's worshiping a demon." I couldn't watch the movie in its entirety for years. (It wasn't a 'scared of the dark' thing, I would literally feel that energy everytime)
Well, I just saw the Dark Knight a few days ago, and I'm proud to say, that my inner light work made watching that movie not so intense. I was able to really zoom in on Heath's performance and appreciate it. I was able to appreciate the entire movie for what it was. Now I see the character as truly funny, truly genius, and I don't succumb to it anymore. I have too much light for that.
Eh, me an ma blabbin'.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Thursday, May 29, 2014
I see so much misunderstanding between the extremes--between the feminists and the men who don't agree, between meat eaters and vegetarians/vegans, between global warming believers and non-believers, multi-sexual pride and those against etc, and everybody thinks that their cause is the one to be adopted or modern human society will be destroyed. While I agree that humanity's practices as a collective must be refined and more heart-centered, I think everyone who is on a 'side' has to learn that their viewpoint is not the only one. Learn to see that your viewpoint is for your empowerment ONLY. Anyone who vibrates with what you say can come on board. The weakness of your perspective comes in when you demonize or dehumanize the other side--it totally saps your power to a state of duality instead of Unity, and the only thing that can manifest is a fight, which is what certain interests want. As long as those interests can keep us believing that the other is inimical, they've won.
This is the real war. The war to control consciousness, to control your belief and perspective of the Universe. Control your own perspective. When you do this, you are loving yourself. When you do this, you are loving others, because when you allow yourself freedom of thought, you allow others the same--not that you are the authority over others, mind you. It simply allows for the energy of God to freely flow between beings when acceptance and allowance takes center stage in the mind.
Jesus taught forgiveness. Why? Because it's way more chill to love and accept another being than to judge and protect yourself against them. Many people don't understand this yet--they're still learning how to be spiritually independent, we all are in actuality.
However, for those that understand the power of forgiveness, you know that it is also more productive for humans to forgive. It lets the energy flow. It allows life, allows God. It allows life, allows God to sculpt the Universe the way S/He sees fit. And because God is the beginning and ending of all things, it follows that whatever God sculpts the Universe into, it is for the good of all
I know I just got a little mystical on you there, but this is how I roll. All humans need to understand that, even though we need to make some changes as a species, we need to start with a more fundamental change--the shift from programmed mind to spontaneous heart, from judgment to embrace, from--at the risk of sounding cliche--fear to love.
Take up your sword, but only 'against' your own shadow. That sword is Love.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
This is the real war. The war to control consciousness, to control your belief and perspective of the Universe. Control your own perspective. When you do this, you are loving yourself. When you do this, you are loving others, because when you allow yourself freedom of thought, you allow others the same--not that you are the authority over others, mind you. It simply allows for the energy of God to freely flow between beings when acceptance and allowance takes center stage in the mind.
Jesus taught forgiveness. Why? Because it's way more chill to love and accept another being than to judge and protect yourself against them. Many people don't understand this yet--they're still learning how to be spiritually independent, we all are in actuality.
However, for those that understand the power of forgiveness, you know that it is also more productive for humans to forgive. It lets the energy flow. It allows life, allows God. It allows life, allows God to sculpt the Universe the way S/He sees fit. And because God is the beginning and ending of all things, it follows that whatever God sculpts the Universe into, it is for the good of all
I know I just got a little mystical on you there, but this is how I roll. All humans need to understand that, even though we need to make some changes as a species, we need to start with a more fundamental change--the shift from programmed mind to spontaneous heart, from judgment to embrace, from--at the risk of sounding cliche--fear to love.
Take up your sword, but only 'against' your own shadow. That sword is Love.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
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