From All credit to those geniuses over there.
Now that that has been said, I received this email today, another confirmation from the universe for me, and, hopefully, for you.
Posted: 02 Aug 2014 06:00 AM PDT
If you can become a lion in a world that is dominated by sheep, you will WIN
Therefore, below are the three characteristics that make a lion, a lion in this day and age.
1. Have no filter
Speak your mind. Be as blunt as possible. Don’t sugar coat anything. Sugar coating is only for mediocre minds that go out of their way to avoid conflict.
Sheep avoid conflict.
Sheep avoid stepping on toes and that is why they never reach where they desire to go.
On this road you’re going to have to make a few enemies, it’s going to happen regardless of whether you want it to or not.
Therefore, don’t be afraid.
Say what you feel.
This goes both ways.
It doesn’t just mean that you should be a complete dick. It means you should speak to existence all the love, passion, and excitement you feel as well.
Stop judging your thoughts and start SHARING
Experience yourself fully and do away with the filter that society has pressed upon you.
2. When you set your mind to something, ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK
When lions spot their prey, they attack.
They don’t think about it.
They don’t stress about it.
They don’t weigh the pros and cons.
They just attack.
Aggression is the name of the game; you have to move with aggression.
You have to make bold moves.
So many people pussyfoot around what needs to be done. They just keep playing it safe. They don’t put themselves out there and that is why they don’t succeed.
We humans spend a lot of time in our head instead of actually doing what it is we need to be doing.
Therefore stop thinking about it and just start doing.
3. Be willing to be different
If you want to be a lion in a world that is consumed with sheep, you have to be willing to stick out like a sore thumb.
You have to be willing to be scrutinized, hated, and shunned by the sheep.
Sheep are not fit to understand the intentions of a lion so when you tell the world what you want to achieve, they will laugh, they will ridicule, and they will mock.
However, you have to continue to press on.
You can’t let the sheep kill the lion within you.
It’s going to be a lonely road that you must be willing to travel alone.
Continue down your own path and never stop.
Keep pushing it to the limit.
No matter how badly you feel like giving up and joining the sheep, press on because one day you will live the life of a true lion, a life that the sheep cannot even fathom let alone reach.
It’s not going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it.
Your reward for being a lion is success, massive success.
So continue to achieve, continue to do, continue to create and most importantly, continue to be…a lion.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Sunday, June 29, 2014
"I Don't Curse"? Pshaw.
Some people say, "I don't curse." Well, for one I don't curse either, I emphasize with fucking cool words and two, if you think speak or act with negative intention, you actually do curse, and that worse than any of the "words you can't say on television".
It's not the words you say it's always the intention behind them. If you give a person a beautiful gift, but you are thinking about how much you hate them, your energy is moving out to curse them, your energy is attacking them with negativity, and actually helping to keep their spiritual growth stagnant. These thoughts are also doing the same to YOU.
We humans sometimes take our inner processes for granted. We feel very uncomfortable with what we consider to be 'curse words, and we tend to reject or distance ourselves from those things. But the truth is, through our own thoughts we have created the 'taboo-ness' of curse words. We are the ones thinking the thought of 'forbidden'.
Most humans believe that 'out there' is a reality with an intrinsic existence regardless of their presence--not so. Quantum Mechanics tells us otherwise. QM tells us that we affect and alter our milieu simply by observing it. The one looking has the power, not the things being looked at. The observer (WE) is the intrinsic reality, not the world 'out there'.
If you've ever heard the saying "wherever you go, there you are" it aligns with the message of this entry. What's the common denominator of every experience you are in? YOU! You are observing all you experiences. Thus means that whatever judgment you have about, or intention you have toward any aspect of your experience, shows how you have chosen to observe it. I say 'chosen' because the observer is the intrinsic reality, remember? Each thought and intention you have colors your experience, not the other way around. Thusly,the only way you could truly be coming to judgments about the experience is through naked choice, dependent on no circumstance. Of course it does not appear this way, but, to reiterate, it is.
So back to the 'curse words'. I use words like fuck and shit, and I believe that these words add a unique emphasis to whatever it is that I am saying. People might berate me for that. However, I've known people who have never uttered a 'curse word' and they spew more venomous 'curses' (aka negative words and intentions) or others than people I've known who use thevforbidden words people hate so much. Could it be that, as observers, curse words became that way because we have cursed them? Might we prefer to change how we really curse ourselves and each other instead of complaining about some words that we have collectively cursed? These are some interesting questions that require us to think differently about the nature of our daily reality, and to start transforming our thoughts, words, and behaviors to BLESS ourselves and others, instead or cursing. Then I believe we can make real changes, instead of complaining about things we don't understand how we've contributed to their negative effects.
Peace and NO GREASE (because that's nasty),
G.A.B.E aka
Excelsior Joymagick
It's not the words you say it's always the intention behind them. If you give a person a beautiful gift, but you are thinking about how much you hate them, your energy is moving out to curse them, your energy is attacking them with negativity, and actually helping to keep their spiritual growth stagnant. These thoughts are also doing the same to YOU.
We humans sometimes take our inner processes for granted. We feel very uncomfortable with what we consider to be 'curse words, and we tend to reject or distance ourselves from those things. But the truth is, through our own thoughts we have created the 'taboo-ness' of curse words. We are the ones thinking the thought of 'forbidden'.
Most humans believe that 'out there' is a reality with an intrinsic existence regardless of their presence--not so. Quantum Mechanics tells us otherwise. QM tells us that we affect and alter our milieu simply by observing it. The one looking has the power, not the things being looked at. The observer (WE) is the intrinsic reality, not the world 'out there'.
If you've ever heard the saying "wherever you go, there you are" it aligns with the message of this entry. What's the common denominator of every experience you are in? YOU! You are observing all you experiences. Thus means that whatever judgment you have about, or intention you have toward any aspect of your experience, shows how you have chosen to observe it. I say 'chosen' because the observer is the intrinsic reality, remember? Each thought and intention you have colors your experience, not the other way around. Thusly,the only way you could truly be coming to judgments about the experience is through naked choice, dependent on no circumstance. Of course it does not appear this way, but, to reiterate, it is.
So back to the 'curse words'. I use words like fuck and shit, and I believe that these words add a unique emphasis to whatever it is that I am saying. People might berate me for that. However, I've known people who have never uttered a 'curse word' and they spew more venomous 'curses' (aka negative words and intentions) or others than people I've known who use thevforbidden words people hate so much. Could it be that, as observers, curse words became that way because we have cursed them? Might we prefer to change how we really curse ourselves and each other instead of complaining about some words that we have collectively cursed? These are some interesting questions that require us to think differently about the nature of our daily reality, and to start transforming our thoughts, words, and behaviors to BLESS ourselves and others, instead or cursing. Then I believe we can make real changes, instead of complaining about things we don't understand how we've contributed to their negative effects.
Peace and NO GREASE (because that's nasty),
G.A.B.E aka
Excelsior Joymagick
Saturday, June 7, 2014
I will never demonize religion. Make fun of its staggering ability to take itself too seriously, yes. Demonize it? No. I believe that the Universe helps us learn no matter what the medium. Wisdom is wisdom.
I used to be Christian. I used to be Jewish. Both had their high points. After I had seen the evidence that my spirit was bigger than any religion, I no longer subscribed to them.
However, seven years ago, I went through one of the darkest periods of my life. My being was vomiting out A LOT OF BS, and I had very little hope in myself. One night, very late, I couldn't sleep, so I turned on the television. I flipped through the channels, and came across one that featured Joel Osteen, a Christian preacher, speaking on hope and faith. At first I was about to change the channel--I'm not Christian, I thought to myself--but I was drawn in, and the message was so powerful, it eventually brought me to tears.
Listen, I could talk about the corruption behind any major figure in the world (trust me, they've all got some), but at that moment, I was shown that sometimes, beliefs don't matter. What matters is that you walk away with what's important for you to grow.
This is what the leaders and participants of organized religions, if they haven't already, need to learn. Once all religions realize that they're all part of a prism that looks at the same Creator, but interprets this Creator through different perspectives, we can share an unprecedented level of peace that our society has known (at least in the last few millenia).
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Follow me on:
Instagram: thgd33
Twitter: thgd33
YouTube: GoldiamondAwareness
About Me: aboutme.ggoldiamond
Monday, June 2, 2014
TITTIES: This blog isn't what you think
I'm of a mind that we demonize words too much. For example, if I use the word 'tittie' in my post, especially in appreciation of a woman's breasts, I'm sure there would be a lot of people who create negative realities in their field, and attempt to, in the reality they consider true, to project that onto me. But it seems, that men are attracted to tits for a reason...I'm thinking it might be evolutionary lol. But there is a Sumerian word, TIIT, which means "That which is life". Sumer is the oldest known civilization of this societal era, which means that much of the culture we have today is more or less rooted in Sumerian ways. I say more or less because Sumer is a branch of even older cultures and civilizations of even more ancient eras.
Anyway, back to the point. I think the word TIIT is where the words 'tit(s)' and 'tittie(s)' come from. I remember when I first learned of this ancient word in a David Icke book, and said to myself, "how fitting that we call them tits!" Do they not give and nourish life to young developing humans?
To sum up, TITs are life!
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Judiciary Chief Sadeq Larijani: Stop My Son’s Execution
I got this in an email. Please read and sign!
My Son Shahram Ahmadi has been sentenced to death. His case will be reviewed by the Supreme Court in the upcoming weeks. He is 26 years old and has spent the last 6 years of his life in prison. I couldn’t stop the execution of his younger brother Bahram and had a heart attack when I heard the news. The Iranian government refuses to hand over Bahram’s body. Now I need your help to stop Shahram’s execution.
Bahram, on the right in the picture above, has been executed and Shahram, on the left, can be saved.
We are Sunni and Kurd. My son Shahram like many other Sunni youths has been critical of how badly the Iranian government treats the Sunni minority. Security police arrested him in April 2009 on his way home from mosque in our town, Sanandaj. They shot, beat, and kicked my son in the face, breaking his nose and head. They took him to the Intelligence Bureau of Sanandaj and subjected him to severe torture including electric shocks and forced him to falsely confess to armed resistance. It took the authorities 10 months before they allowed us to see him.
My son's trial was unfair. The authorities kept him in detention for 4 years before charging him. The first time they allowed him to talk to his attorney was on the day of his trial. His trial lasted less than 10 minutes. Judge Mohammad Moghiseh used his coerced confession, the only evidence against him, to declare him a mohareb (enemy of God). I have no doubt that my son would have been found innocent if he had received a fair trial.
Your support could save my son. In the past international pressure has been instrumental in protecting individuals who had been unfairly prosecuted in Iran. A recent example is Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani who in 2006 was sentenced to stoning. Due to international pressure her sentence was later reduced to 10 years in prison and in March of this year, the Iranian judiciary announced that she has been released.
Shahram is not the only one at risk. Dozens of other Kurds have been unfairly sentenced to death. Most of their cases are waiting review by the Supreme Court. We do not have much time. Please help me save my son and the other Kurds' lives by asking Iranian officials to halt their executions and grant them fair trials.
Friday, May 30, 2014
The Dark Knight and me in's not what you think
When I first saw 'The Dark Knight' in 2008, I was haunted by Heath Ledger's performance. I don't know or care whether you believe this, but many of the best actors in hollywood invoke spirits for their performance, many of them knowingly invoke what most of us know as 'demons'.
A demon is what I felt in Heath's performance when I saw it. The evil was so strong, I could barely handle it. I did some esoteric research afterward, and I found out the invocation secret that most actors do. Not all of them are evil, of course, many of us think of our 'power animal' or our ancestors to give us strength during tough times. However, Heath was another matter.
If you look at some of the most famous figures of the 20th century, you find that they were nobodies in their craft, then suddenly changed their style and became insanely famous--they also died very tragic deaths.
It is my belief that, these celebrities willingly allow their bodies to be influenced by demon forces--bear with me here. These forces eventually drive them insane, and they take a lot of drugs to lessen the influence in their consciousness. Unfortunately, because these celebrities are not self-empowered, the influences get so strong, that the only way to block them out is to overdose on drugs. This is the ubiquitous 'death-by-drugs' event that you hear many celebrities succumb to (Of course a lot of them are also murdered, but that's a different story).
I also saw a pretty chilling video of an intoxicated Jack Nicholson, who played the Joker in 1989's 'Batman' and was interviewed briefly after strolling out of a restaurant or something. They interviewer asked him what he thought about Heath's death, to which Nicholson answered "I warned him." What?!? This was when my Spider-sense really went off regarding these invocation rituals.
Though I have no hard evidence that Heath actually invoked a demon for his performance as the Joker, it's not really a stretch to assume that hollywood folk are into some really strange shit. I can't presume to be totally correct in my claim, but I feel that I'm at least close to the truth in my esoteric inferences.
Why am i sharing all this with you? Because, after I saw "The Dark Knight", I saw everyone saying it was the best comic book movie of all time, and I was like "Everyone's worshiping a demon." I couldn't watch the movie in its entirety for years. (It wasn't a 'scared of the dark' thing, I would literally feel that energy everytime)
Well, I just saw the Dark Knight a few days ago, and I'm proud to say, that my inner light work made watching that movie not so intense. I was able to really zoom in on Heath's performance and appreciate it. I was able to appreciate the entire movie for what it was. Now I see the character as truly funny, truly genius, and I don't succumb to it anymore. I have too much light for that.
Eh, me an ma blabbin'.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
A demon is what I felt in Heath's performance when I saw it. The evil was so strong, I could barely handle it. I did some esoteric research afterward, and I found out the invocation secret that most actors do. Not all of them are evil, of course, many of us think of our 'power animal' or our ancestors to give us strength during tough times. However, Heath was another matter.
If you look at some of the most famous figures of the 20th century, you find that they were nobodies in their craft, then suddenly changed their style and became insanely famous--they also died very tragic deaths.
It is my belief that, these celebrities willingly allow their bodies to be influenced by demon forces--bear with me here. These forces eventually drive them insane, and they take a lot of drugs to lessen the influence in their consciousness. Unfortunately, because these celebrities are not self-empowered, the influences get so strong, that the only way to block them out is to overdose on drugs. This is the ubiquitous 'death-by-drugs' event that you hear many celebrities succumb to (Of course a lot of them are also murdered, but that's a different story).
I also saw a pretty chilling video of an intoxicated Jack Nicholson, who played the Joker in 1989's 'Batman' and was interviewed briefly after strolling out of a restaurant or something. They interviewer asked him what he thought about Heath's death, to which Nicholson answered "I warned him." What?!? This was when my Spider-sense really went off regarding these invocation rituals.
Though I have no hard evidence that Heath actually invoked a demon for his performance as the Joker, it's not really a stretch to assume that hollywood folk are into some really strange shit. I can't presume to be totally correct in my claim, but I feel that I'm at least close to the truth in my esoteric inferences.
Why am i sharing all this with you? Because, after I saw "The Dark Knight", I saw everyone saying it was the best comic book movie of all time, and I was like "Everyone's worshiping a demon." I couldn't watch the movie in its entirety for years. (It wasn't a 'scared of the dark' thing, I would literally feel that energy everytime)
Well, I just saw the Dark Knight a few days ago, and I'm proud to say, that my inner light work made watching that movie not so intense. I was able to really zoom in on Heath's performance and appreciate it. I was able to appreciate the entire movie for what it was. Now I see the character as truly funny, truly genius, and I don't succumb to it anymore. I have too much light for that.
Eh, me an ma blabbin'.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Thursday, May 29, 2014
I see so much misunderstanding between the extremes--between the feminists and the men who don't agree, between meat eaters and vegetarians/vegans, between global warming believers and non-believers, multi-sexual pride and those against etc, and everybody thinks that their cause is the one to be adopted or modern human society will be destroyed. While I agree that humanity's practices as a collective must be refined and more heart-centered, I think everyone who is on a 'side' has to learn that their viewpoint is not the only one. Learn to see that your viewpoint is for your empowerment ONLY. Anyone who vibrates with what you say can come on board. The weakness of your perspective comes in when you demonize or dehumanize the other side--it totally saps your power to a state of duality instead of Unity, and the only thing that can manifest is a fight, which is what certain interests want. As long as those interests can keep us believing that the other is inimical, they've won.
This is the real war. The war to control consciousness, to control your belief and perspective of the Universe. Control your own perspective. When you do this, you are loving yourself. When you do this, you are loving others, because when you allow yourself freedom of thought, you allow others the same--not that you are the authority over others, mind you. It simply allows for the energy of God to freely flow between beings when acceptance and allowance takes center stage in the mind.
Jesus taught forgiveness. Why? Because it's way more chill to love and accept another being than to judge and protect yourself against them. Many people don't understand this yet--they're still learning how to be spiritually independent, we all are in actuality.
However, for those that understand the power of forgiveness, you know that it is also more productive for humans to forgive. It lets the energy flow. It allows life, allows God. It allows life, allows God to sculpt the Universe the way S/He sees fit. And because God is the beginning and ending of all things, it follows that whatever God sculpts the Universe into, it is for the good of all
I know I just got a little mystical on you there, but this is how I roll. All humans need to understand that, even though we need to make some changes as a species, we need to start with a more fundamental change--the shift from programmed mind to spontaneous heart, from judgment to embrace, from--at the risk of sounding cliche--fear to love.
Take up your sword, but only 'against' your own shadow. That sword is Love.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
This is the real war. The war to control consciousness, to control your belief and perspective of the Universe. Control your own perspective. When you do this, you are loving yourself. When you do this, you are loving others, because when you allow yourself freedom of thought, you allow others the same--not that you are the authority over others, mind you. It simply allows for the energy of God to freely flow between beings when acceptance and allowance takes center stage in the mind.
Jesus taught forgiveness. Why? Because it's way more chill to love and accept another being than to judge and protect yourself against them. Many people don't understand this yet--they're still learning how to be spiritually independent, we all are in actuality.
However, for those that understand the power of forgiveness, you know that it is also more productive for humans to forgive. It lets the energy flow. It allows life, allows God. It allows life, allows God to sculpt the Universe the way S/He sees fit. And because God is the beginning and ending of all things, it follows that whatever God sculpts the Universe into, it is for the good of all
I know I just got a little mystical on you there, but this is how I roll. All humans need to understand that, even though we need to make some changes as a species, we need to start with a more fundamental change--the shift from programmed mind to spontaneous heart, from judgment to embrace, from--at the risk of sounding cliche--fear to love.
Take up your sword, but only 'against' your own shadow. That sword is Love.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Today's Clean Energy Is Not The Best We Can Do
Perpetual Energy. Solar and Wind are primitive alternative energy sources, but if you used the truly revolutionary technology that yields several times more energy than it needs, irrespective of whether the wind or sun is captured, then you have something truly amazing. The people aren't ready for it yet, which is unfortunate. They have to wipe the crust out of their eyes just to recognize Solar power, which is in actuality kind of inefficient. Cleaner than coal/oil, but inefficient nonetheless.
I also notice there is a subtle pretentiousness at those who have the 'privilege' of having the ostentatious solar panels or wind turbines in their communities, be in at home or overseas. I laugh at this, truly, because even though it is a step in the right direction, it is yet another petty human ego trip. "Germany has the wind turbines...look how ahead of the curve they are." The truth is that the technology is so old and so behind that it is hysterically laughable. Nothing against Germany at all, I'm more not feeling the mentality of the 'Green Movement'--it's just another hierarchy
The really revolutionizing technologies that are on their way to us are what we really need to demand be in the public arena. How likely is this to happen? Well let me just say I'm not holding my breath. Humanity will need to don the technological training wheels of these and other primitive, yet useful, stepping-stone alternative energy sources and harnessers, until the real deal stuff starts hitting the public marketplace. Hopefully, we will have abolished FRN's (federal reserve notes) by then.
I also notice there is a subtle pretentiousness at those who have the 'privilege' of having the ostentatious solar panels or wind turbines in their communities, be in at home or overseas. I laugh at this, truly, because even though it is a step in the right direction, it is yet another petty human ego trip. "Germany has the wind turbines...look how ahead of the curve they are." The truth is that the technology is so old and so behind that it is hysterically laughable. Nothing against Germany at all, I'm more not feeling the mentality of the 'Green Movement'--it's just another hierarchy
The really revolutionizing technologies that are on their way to us are what we really need to demand be in the public arena. How likely is this to happen? Well let me just say I'm not holding my breath. Humanity will need to don the technological training wheels of these and other primitive, yet useful, stepping-stone alternative energy sources and harnessers, until the real deal stuff starts hitting the public marketplace. Hopefully, we will have abolished FRN's (federal reserve notes) by then.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
I'm not a fan of anyone
I don't really follow a particular artist, director, actor, singer, or producer. When an artist I admire comes up in my awareness I honor them appropriately. The truth is, however, that I only get excited about them because they inspire me to make my own mark.
Because that's all I need them for (on a fundamental level), I don't really go into the other tracks on their album, their lesser-known movies or their lesser-known work in general. I'm excited to create! Lemme get my hands on that mic, or behind that camera, or in front of that camera--I'm gonna show you what EYE can do!
Does that mean I'll never look at lesser known works? No. I just don't follow everything an artist does. I only move when the Spirit moves me. I'm here to create more than consume--or maybe both equally, 'cuz I likes ta eat!
G.A.B.E. Goldiamond aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Because that's all I need them for (on a fundamental level), I don't really go into the other tracks on their album, their lesser-known movies or their lesser-known work in general. I'm excited to create! Lemme get my hands on that mic, or behind that camera, or in front of that camera--I'm gonna show you what EYE can do!
Does that mean I'll never look at lesser known works? No. I just don't follow everything an artist does. I only move when the Spirit moves me. I'm here to create more than consume--or maybe both equally, 'cuz I likes ta eat!
G.A.B.E. Goldiamond aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Friday, May 2, 2014
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Raw and Gentle (Poem)
I am raw and gentle in one motion
I am the volcanic island, rumbling with the ire of Gaia, yet my land supports life.
Why do you hypocritically expect me to be safe?
Neither you or I can be a full proof refuge for one another.
I am not a monster,
but I am raw.
I am raw, flesh exposed, as vulnerable to your unconscious barbs
As you are to mine.
It's time that we both admitted that we are both weak in each other's presence, but for good reason.
It is because we Love.
We Love;
We carry the sacred language of the Universe within our hearts.
And it is for this reason that we shouldn't mind being weak,
or vulnerable,
Because absolute vulnerability conquers the mass of creation,
Making us, in truth, completely invulnerable.
So let us be raw and gentle in one motion,
Swirling in the vortex that replays different frames
Of the same moment.
I am the volcanic island, rumbling with the ire of Gaia, yet my land supports life.
Why do you hypocritically expect me to be safe?
Neither you or I can be a full proof refuge for one another.
I am not a monster,
but I am raw.
I am raw, flesh exposed, as vulnerable to your unconscious barbs
As you are to mine.
It's time that we both admitted that we are both weak in each other's presence, but for good reason.
It is because we Love.
We Love;
We carry the sacred language of the Universe within our hearts.
And it is for this reason that we shouldn't mind being weak,
or vulnerable,
Because absolute vulnerability conquers the mass of creation,
Making us, in truth, completely invulnerable.
So let us be raw and gentle in one motion,
Swirling in the vortex that replays different frames
Of the same moment.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Spiritually Sexy!
Identification with fear is not sexy. A man or woman who knows they have fears, and faces their fears, no matter how slowly or quickly, is sexy.
Stand in your shame, your shyness, your anger, your pride, your desperate need for control.
Stand in it as you look into someone's eyes, watch it change into centeredness, and don't give a f*** 'bout what they other person MIGHT be thinking. If they're meant to continue journeying with you, they will. If they don't, let 'em fly off ya. Shed 'em.
Stand in your shame, your shyness, your anger, your pride, your desperate need for control.
Stand in it as you look into someone's eyes, watch it change into centeredness, and don't give a f*** 'bout what they other person MIGHT be thinking. If they're meant to continue journeying with you, they will. If they don't, let 'em fly off ya. Shed 'em.
Peace and Blessings,
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Sunday, April 27, 2014
It's not just about doing the thing; it's about who you do the thing with--and no, I'm not talking about sex here, for once. I'm talking about the quality of the energy you share with the people you are around.
You are feeding them as much as you are being fed.
If you're honest with yourself, and you feel any discrepancy or imbalance in nourishing, check to see if you're centered.
If you are and you still feel it, that person is not the one to be doing the thing with.
It's not something either you or they should consider a personal affront. It is a matter of vibration, of feeling fullness in yourself, the relationship, and the activities you take part in.
Keep it gangsta, folks.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Thursday, April 24, 2014
A G.A.B.E. Sexdiamond Post: Food Porn?
A #Sexdiamond moment:
#Foodporn is that ish you eat at McDonald's. #Foodtantra is that super (raw) #vegan ish that gets you right (or whatever it is that you eat). I mean, think about it. Most Pornography has the reputation of exhibiting the most superficial and un-nourishing form of coital activity. Plus the prefix 'porn' means prostitutes, beings who are perceived by most as demeaned wo(men) and deameaning to women because they have sex for money, or are used only for sex. Why would you want to add that name to your food?
On the other hand, Tantra is the sex of the Universe. It's not just physical human bodies slapping skins. It's the whole of relative existence exploding orgasmically. Ever heard of the Planck Scale? Theoretical Physicists say that this is where potential galaxies--Universes, for that matter--are bubbling like water in a heated cauldron--Cosmic orgasm, yo.
High Vibe people--Those who have done their work--can have nourishing nectar sex with their thoughts and feelings alone; the coital action is superfluous in most cases. Feels good, but not always needed. But when it happens, WHOA. GET 'EM.
This is what high vibe food is--food you make love to on so many more levels than just taste. I know my peeps know what this is. I'm still workin' on mastering this practice of consumption myself, however I have experienced food that is truly nourishing, food that is supremely Tantric, so I'm not talkin' some theoretical intellectual philosophy--it's a living reality, which is the true essence of Tantra.
Hey, call it what you want; it's semantics anyway. I just think that if food is deeply feeding you, it ain't no damn porn.
Still, foodporn does have a ring to it; really rolls off the tongue. I'm serious.
I'm a #cartoon.
Gabe Sexdiamond LOL
#Foodporn is that ish you eat at McDonald's. #Foodtantra is that super (raw) #vegan ish that gets you right (or whatever it is that you eat). I mean, think about it. Most Pornography has the reputation of exhibiting the most superficial and un-nourishing form of coital activity. Plus the prefix 'porn' means prostitutes, beings who are perceived by most as demeaned wo(men) and deameaning to women because they have sex for money, or are used only for sex. Why would you want to add that name to your food?
On the other hand, Tantra is the sex of the Universe. It's not just physical human bodies slapping skins. It's the whole of relative existence exploding orgasmically. Ever heard of the Planck Scale? Theoretical Physicists say that this is where potential galaxies--Universes, for that matter--are bubbling like water in a heated cauldron--Cosmic orgasm, yo.
High Vibe people--Those who have done their work--can have nourishing nectar sex with their thoughts and feelings alone; the coital action is superfluous in most cases. Feels good, but not always needed. But when it happens, WHOA. GET 'EM.
This is what high vibe food is--food you make love to on so many more levels than just taste. I know my peeps know what this is. I'm still workin' on mastering this practice of consumption myself, however I have experienced food that is truly nourishing, food that is supremely Tantric, so I'm not talkin' some theoretical intellectual philosophy--it's a living reality, which is the true essence of Tantra.
Hey, call it what you want; it's semantics anyway. I just think that if food is deeply feeding you, it ain't no damn porn.
Still, foodporn does have a ring to it; really rolls off the tongue. I'm serious.
I'm a #cartoon.
Gabe Sexdiamond LOL
Thursday, April 17, 2014
The truth about the 'Present Moment'
They say there is only the Present Moment, but there is no Present Moment. That implies something distinct, which nothing in the Universe is. It is merely the best way to direct our consciousness to what's really important--nothing.
Scientists are looking for a shape to the Universe, to see whether it is expanding or contracting, but this is folly. There is no size. There is no shape. The 'Universe' as we call this experience, is nothing but Dreamspace in the Mind of the Almighty.
This experience that seems to exist is a flicker of the Mind, a ripple is the otherwise still waters of Infinity, which, in actuality, never ripples. This is what makes it Infinite; it never changes, or moves. It is perfectly stable, still. Our experience only makes it appear that Infinity is vibrating or rippling.
Therefore, for all who scramble and struggle to attain enlightenment, scrambling and struggling is not the way. You already are the silence, you already are Enlightened. It is the 'process' of unraveling the ruse of vibration that is the experience. The Silence waits regardless of your self-distraction(s). Be earnest in your pursuit of what Masters call 'The Goal", and forgive yourself when you fall.
Karma? There is no Karma (as is it most popularly known), intrinsically.
The Universe is Mind, Mental. That means that every experience is based on a myriad of thoughts, or belief systems. Karma is the deep-seated belief that you are the servant of a particular course of action.
Because many of us cannot/do not dismantle all the beliefs at once to reveal Silence alone, there is a slow, unfolding process of belief disintegration.
The core belief that keeps a person bound is: "The essence of who I am is the vibrating reality"--this is not true. Who you are is the Silent, Still reality. This core belief is the root from which an infinite number of other beliefs branch out.
Yes, your Universe is a collection of beliefs.Scientists search for the meaning of all life with their instruments and mathematical equations, but all of these are built on the foundations of beliefs in what may be called the 'Universal Mind'!
This is not to discredit Scientists at all--merely to point out that they are search for the answer in the wrong direction.
This is why all the Masters say "Look within". Everything comes from the deep, silent, stillness (or at least it appears to). In any case, this is the place you must learn how to consult.
Meditation, compassion, forgiveness, kindness--these are all practices that focus your mind into this place.
It is not easy,
For we believe strongly in the vibrating experience--everything is separated from each other, things don't affect one another, everything for itself.
But it's not true.
As long as we are diligent in letting go of all beliefs, we will eventually come to the Silent space, and nothing will obstruct it. We call this "Peace" in the vibratory reality.
Let me tell you something.
People on the spiritual path can get all bent out of shape because no matter how much they do, they believe that they can never be Enlightened.
They create the vibrating experience of a Guru who will always be Enlightened, and they will never be.
This is, again, folly.
The Guru is simply the one that remembered who s/he really is,

When we first embark upon the path back to our Infinite Nature,
the path of dismantling beliefs,
(for many of us) we can't destroy all beliefs at once;
we must start with a belief that aids in our quest.
That belief is, "I can realize Enlightenment."
Enlightenment is the realization of your Silent, Still nature.
It is your only destiny,
Your only inevitability,
Your only true home.
Be diligent in your practice, whatever it may be,
And simply wait;
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Divination and Consciousness
Though Sidereal Astrology is more accurate with regards to the physical alignment of planets, it's also important to recognize what is accurate within your own consciousness. While I do feel a deep accuracy when someone does Jyotish readings for me, I translate my own and others energies through tropical--western--astrology, to which I was first introduced.
One of the reasons for this is my Mercury sign, which is Cancer. I learn through my feelings, not simply data acquisition, like Gemini. A subject has to really appeal to my emotions otherwise I do not understand it. You could say something that makes perfect sense, but if I am not emotionally aligned with it, it in many cases might as well be Ancient Sumerian--Me no understand.
In other cases, I feel totally like my Moon sign in Jyotish--Leo, with a sense of pride and regality. But for the most part I feel that Virgo--that emotional desire for perfection.
I'm not discrediting Jyotish at all, I'm merely saying that it really depends on inclination of the person's consciousness--what is resonant for the person getting the reading.
One of the reasons for this is my Mercury sign, which is Cancer. I learn through my feelings, not simply data acquisition, like Gemini. A subject has to really appeal to my emotions otherwise I do not understand it. You could say something that makes perfect sense, but if I am not emotionally aligned with it, it in many cases might as well be Ancient Sumerian--Me no understand.
In other cases, I feel totally like my Moon sign in Jyotish--Leo, with a sense of pride and regality. But for the most part I feel that Virgo--that emotional desire for perfection.
I'm not discrediting Jyotish at all, I'm merely saying that it really depends on inclination of the person's consciousness--what is resonant for the person getting the reading.
Transit Moon in Scorpio
So, Scorpio Moon...
Usually Scorpio Moon gets a bad rap because currently, human society doesn't fully understand energy, and thus can perceive Scorpio the wrong way. Even for those who are initiated into the world wide web of energy, it can be a challenging energy to process.
With Moon in Scorpio, the emotional self takes a dive. All the way to the bottom, where Ancient Dragons play, where Universes are formed. This manifests on the human level as a powerful primordial intensity, whether it be in the personality itself, or it is intensity experienced through life events.
The psychic pulsations of life hit you deeply today, and everything is felt to the extreme. If it's irritation for Scorpio, it might be three volcanoes erupting for others. If it's sadness, it can be like hundreds of shadows speaking doom, leading to deep depression. If happiness, it's like being in Angel VIP, you drink all the best Ambrosia--you get the picture.
Just coming off the heels of the full moon, and with the alignment of the Grand Cross coming (which includes Pluto, Scorpio's ruler), Scorpio feels especially 'charming'.
Intensity is not the only quality of Scorpio--another is depth. You may be going deep into yourself today, even if you're being social, only to be made new, or transformed, another quality of Scorpio.
You might even be feeling a little more sexual today, your desires magnified to beastly proportions.
However, none of these things may be happening to you at all. You may simply just be feeling a little more at one with what I like to call 'The Sauce', or the fabric of existence. Bask in your experience and learn.
With Pluto in Capricorn, your emotions shine light on discipline, rules, and structures. How are you carrying on in your life. What structures have you created to control the possibly chaotic energies of Scorpio? How much do you need to let go of to simply the structures of your life? These are the questions Pluto asks to you deepest feeling self.
At its best, Scorpio is the truth of the Universe. All things are in a constant state of flux, constantly shifting, even if they appear solid and unchanging. Be unattached, and you don't suffer dark side of Scorpio, which is tyrannical psychololgical control of...your own self. Be free.
Usually Scorpio Moon gets a bad rap because currently, human society doesn't fully understand energy, and thus can perceive Scorpio the wrong way. Even for those who are initiated into the world wide web of energy, it can be a challenging energy to process.
With Moon in Scorpio, the emotional self takes a dive. All the way to the bottom, where Ancient Dragons play, where Universes are formed. This manifests on the human level as a powerful primordial intensity, whether it be in the personality itself, or it is intensity experienced through life events.
The psychic pulsations of life hit you deeply today, and everything is felt to the extreme. If it's irritation for Scorpio, it might be three volcanoes erupting for others. If it's sadness, it can be like hundreds of shadows speaking doom, leading to deep depression. If happiness, it's like being in Angel VIP, you drink all the best Ambrosia--you get the picture.
Just coming off the heels of the full moon, and with the alignment of the Grand Cross coming (which includes Pluto, Scorpio's ruler), Scorpio feels especially 'charming'.
Intensity is not the only quality of Scorpio--another is depth. You may be going deep into yourself today, even if you're being social, only to be made new, or transformed, another quality of Scorpio.
You might even be feeling a little more sexual today, your desires magnified to beastly proportions.
However, none of these things may be happening to you at all. You may simply just be feeling a little more at one with what I like to call 'The Sauce', or the fabric of existence. Bask in your experience and learn.
With Pluto in Capricorn, your emotions shine light on discipline, rules, and structures. How are you carrying on in your life. What structures have you created to control the possibly chaotic energies of Scorpio? How much do you need to let go of to simply the structures of your life? These are the questions Pluto asks to you deepest feeling self.
At its best, Scorpio is the truth of the Universe. All things are in a constant state of flux, constantly shifting, even if they appear solid and unchanging. Be unattached, and you don't suffer dark side of Scorpio, which is tyrannical psychololgical control of...your own self. Be free.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Transit Moon in Libra
The Full Moon is in Libra now! You may feel emotionally intense (because that is the nature of the Moon), but in balanced Libra, the emotions are directed toward a sense of detachment and devotion to social harmony. This might be a little challenging, as Aries Mercury prods you (with its fist) to always speak your instinctual truth.Two weeks ago, when the New Moon was in Aries, you might have made some intentions for yourself. Now at the Full Moon, the fruits of those intentions are in full power and expression. Now is the time to keep the momentum going with another intention, because as the moon's power evolves back to a 'new' state, a new cycle will begin, one that will, ideally, build upon the intentions you make this month. Make your foundations strong.
The combined energies of both 'new' Aries and 'full' Libra must become harmonized, so essentially the intentions you put forth transcend duality and have the potential to manifest more quickly.
Venus in Pisces is an amicable energy to the Moon in Libra, as both signs are highly privy to the romanticism of relationships, and enjoy losing themselves in the other. Thus the Full Moon makes no effort to thwart your high flying through all the romantic emotions over the next few days. You may indulge yourself, whether in fantasies (Pisces) or reality, but at least keep one foot on the ground (Libra).
Depending on your natal moon sign, the effect of the transit moon on your experience may vary greatly. Abracadabra!
Friday, April 11, 2014
Transit Moon in Virgo
The Moon has shifted into Virgo, reining in the boisterousness of Leo and focusing your emotions on analytical practicality. This is not a Lunar period of ostentatious gestures. This is a inward moon, making sure every portrait in the house is straight and every dust-mite vaccumed. On the psychic level, you are more vigilant and meticulous.
Virgo also rules the rhythms of nature, and it's a perfect time to 'visit' nature. Because Virgo is an earth sign, you may wish to be productive--maybe planting a seed, or getting some plants to add to the decor of your living space will help--actualizing your emotional connection with nature in the form of your active cultivation and participation is the designating factor.
Virgo is exoterically ruled by Mercury, which is currently in Aries. With earth and fire together, there is lava. It isn't a violent lava, but a lava that manifests in the form of a few dribblets at the mouth of a volcano, reminding you what lies deep within. Mars esoterically rules volcanoes, and with it being retrograde, you may definitely feel like exploring that lava, that primordial intensity. The exploration is not very deep however, as Mars is in Libra. It's just nice to feel the power inside.
Virgo is the sign of perfection, be it actual or otherwise. Try not to let your ideas of perfection blind you to the perfection that you already are, that is already in front of you. Teach yourself to forgive yourself and others for their perceived 'shortcomings', and feel the power behind everything you experience, that silent potency that can never be imperfect. Depending on your natal chart signs, effects of the transit moon and other celestial bodies' effects on your experience vary greatly. Excelsior!
Virgo also rules the rhythms of nature, and it's a perfect time to 'visit' nature. Because Virgo is an earth sign, you may wish to be productive--maybe planting a seed, or getting some plants to add to the decor of your living space will help--actualizing your emotional connection with nature in the form of your active cultivation and participation is the designating factor.
Virgo is exoterically ruled by Mercury, which is currently in Aries. With earth and fire together, there is lava. It isn't a violent lava, but a lava that manifests in the form of a few dribblets at the mouth of a volcano, reminding you what lies deep within. Mars esoterically rules volcanoes, and with it being retrograde, you may definitely feel like exploring that lava, that primordial intensity. The exploration is not very deep however, as Mars is in Libra. It's just nice to feel the power inside.
Virgo is the sign of perfection, be it actual or otherwise. Try not to let your ideas of perfection blind you to the perfection that you already are, that is already in front of you. Teach yourself to forgive yourself and others for their perceived 'shortcomings', and feel the power behind everything you experience, that silent potency that can never be imperfect. Depending on your natal chart signs, effects of the transit moon and other celestial bodies' effects on your experience vary greatly. Excelsior!
Transit Chiron in Pisces
Chiron is the alchemical aspect of consciousness that transforms the scars of self-created suffering into self-healing and teachings for others to heal themselves. Chiron's process begins with a major theme that brings the experience of harm to the psyche in childhood, which is solidified in adulthood. It is at this point that the aware adult must take into her/his own hands the process of that healing/awakening.
Currently Chiron is in Pisces, the sign of transcendental feeling. Pisces is a sign with no boundaries, intimately connected with and, one with everything.
Analyzing this transit, and realizing that Chiron is a generational celestial body, we surmise that the healing, awakening, transformation and initiation of the Piscean energy will be, in its most general sense, from the sense of separation in consciousness, to the realization of oneness.
Transit Chiron forms an umbrella effect over those who were born with other natal Chiron signs. The relationship of their natal Chiron with transit Chiron will bear the theme of 'separation to oneness', but the effects will vary.
For example, my natal Chiron is in Gemini in the 4th house. I heal my perception of family, and activate a higher intelligence in Gemini by transcending its intellectual duality and trusting in the heart, in which all duality is resolved. With Pisces Chiron as an umbrella energy, this healing process takes the hue of 'separation to oneness'. Through healing myself via my natal placement, I achieve healing in the transit Chiron, and thusly, heal the world.
What does that mean?
Pisces is a world sign, and Chiron is as well. All healing is the healing of broken perception into absolute oneness and realization that there was never anything broken. Thusly, Chiron reaches its spiritual zenith in Pisces, the current guiding energy of one's personal understanding of their healing process through their natal placement.
The children being born now will act as spiritual antibodies, in a sense, for the rest of human society, eradicating the pathogens of fear just by the nature of their being. From an early age they will teach us that came before how to seamlessly transition our minds into oneness. By the time they become adults, it is very likely they will be even brighter beacons of light for the world than the 'Indigos' (those of great insight) that came before. Look after them with Piscean compassion, with transcendental feeling.
The only weakness of this placement is that Pisces has a intrinsic difficulty accessing willpower. Pisces is used to coasting, yet with this transit energy there is a mixture of effort and effortless inner work to remember inherent oneness. Without mental focus and open-heartedness toward healing, transfomation can never be.
Pisces is powerful. Keep your heart open, but also make your mind a resource. Focus on what makes you feel fulfilled. Focus on what awakens your heart, and allow the waters of Pisces to wash away all illusion and falseness, leaving only transcendental truth.
Currently Chiron is in Pisces, the sign of transcendental feeling. Pisces is a sign with no boundaries, intimately connected with and, one with everything.
Analyzing this transit, and realizing that Chiron is a generational celestial body, we surmise that the healing, awakening, transformation and initiation of the Piscean energy will be, in its most general sense, from the sense of separation in consciousness, to the realization of oneness.
Transit Chiron forms an umbrella effect over those who were born with other natal Chiron signs. The relationship of their natal Chiron with transit Chiron will bear the theme of 'separation to oneness', but the effects will vary.
For example, my natal Chiron is in Gemini in the 4th house. I heal my perception of family, and activate a higher intelligence in Gemini by transcending its intellectual duality and trusting in the heart, in which all duality is resolved. With Pisces Chiron as an umbrella energy, this healing process takes the hue of 'separation to oneness'. Through healing myself via my natal placement, I achieve healing in the transit Chiron, and thusly, heal the world.
What does that mean?
Pisces is a world sign, and Chiron is as well. All healing is the healing of broken perception into absolute oneness and realization that there was never anything broken. Thusly, Chiron reaches its spiritual zenith in Pisces, the current guiding energy of one's personal understanding of their healing process through their natal placement.
The children being born now will act as spiritual antibodies, in a sense, for the rest of human society, eradicating the pathogens of fear just by the nature of their being. From an early age they will teach us that came before how to seamlessly transition our minds into oneness. By the time they become adults, it is very likely they will be even brighter beacons of light for the world than the 'Indigos' (those of great insight) that came before. Look after them with Piscean compassion, with transcendental feeling.
The only weakness of this placement is that Pisces has a intrinsic difficulty accessing willpower. Pisces is used to coasting, yet with this transit energy there is a mixture of effort and effortless inner work to remember inherent oneness. Without mental focus and open-heartedness toward healing, transfomation can never be.
Pisces is powerful. Keep your heart open, but also make your mind a resource. Focus on what makes you feel fulfilled. Focus on what awakens your heart, and allow the waters of Pisces to wash away all illusion and falseness, leaving only transcendental truth.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Woke Up This morning...Got Myself Some Peace...
Now this is the way I want to feel.
This morning, I woke up with a serenity I had not felt in months. The whole day was so quiet, so peaceful.
In these states I know what I want to do with my life, with calm certainty. However, I always forget in the hustle and bustle of life. I don't think I have time for my deepest dreams. It's not that I don't want the things that I go after, it's just that, at my simplest level, I want to do simple things.
I've also been abhoring packaged food. I just want to live on the land and grow my own. I looked at a package of raw flaxseed snack for almost $6.00 and I cringed. It was an irritating experience to know that I knew how to make the very thing that was sitting before me, almost taunting me, saying "Yeah, I'm $6.00, watcha gonna do about it?" I'd like to sum up this paragraph with the words of Hawah Kasat: “Personally, I feel better when I’m living simply and not being a consumer.”
I want to make things. I want to prepare food. I have a good sense of taste, and I eat raw vegan, so I can find a way to make a tasty version of some cooked foods or processed snacks.
I find that, when I'm in these states of peace, I feel much more comfortable with being social. I see the social sphere as a natural expansion of myself, that I engage when I choose.
Unfortunately (on the surface), I tend to feel this way during a retrograde period. In astrology, the retrograde period happens when a planet appears to be moving backward in the sky. Any planet in retrograde signifies a period of rest, review, meditation, inward journeys.
Retrograde periods tune into the right brain wisdom; this is why, for many, things get f'ed up during a retrograde. They aren't used to operating from creativity and imagination, trust and faith in the Universe.
Truly a retrograde period asks these qualities of us when it occurs. But I digress.
I'm writing this because I'm not simply a guy that knows stuff. I'm a human being with feelings (though I could tap into them much more).
Though the retrograde period feels more natural for me in many ways, it doesn't mean that the consciousness has to go away within me. I can make it a practice to honor my deepest values, and to pursue them while maintaining a calm, clear mind.
You know what's funny about that practice? It leads to a lifestyle where I don't put so much life-or-death emphasis on money.
Sure, I want it, it grants superpowers that allow me to expand beyond domestic and local affairs.
But it's not the be-all-end-all.
Hey, you out there. This is important. I think I might forget this deep dream again.
Sure I wrote in down in my blog, but, don't let me slip and forget. If you ever get a chance, remind me.
Just throwing it out there.
Excelsior Joymagic
This morning, I woke up with a serenity I had not felt in months. The whole day was so quiet, so peaceful.
In these states I know what I want to do with my life, with calm certainty. However, I always forget in the hustle and bustle of life. I don't think I have time for my deepest dreams. It's not that I don't want the things that I go after, it's just that, at my simplest level, I want to do simple things.
I've also been abhoring packaged food. I just want to live on the land and grow my own. I looked at a package of raw flaxseed snack for almost $6.00 and I cringed. It was an irritating experience to know that I knew how to make the very thing that was sitting before me, almost taunting me, saying "Yeah, I'm $6.00, watcha gonna do about it?" I'd like to sum up this paragraph with the words of Hawah Kasat: “Personally, I feel better when I’m living simply and not being a consumer.”
I want to make things. I want to prepare food. I have a good sense of taste, and I eat raw vegan, so I can find a way to make a tasty version of some cooked foods or processed snacks.
I find that, when I'm in these states of peace, I feel much more comfortable with being social. I see the social sphere as a natural expansion of myself, that I engage when I choose.
Unfortunately (on the surface), I tend to feel this way during a retrograde period. In astrology, the retrograde period happens when a planet appears to be moving backward in the sky. Any planet in retrograde signifies a period of rest, review, meditation, inward journeys.
Retrograde periods tune into the right brain wisdom; this is why, for many, things get f'ed up during a retrograde. They aren't used to operating from creativity and imagination, trust and faith in the Universe.
Truly a retrograde period asks these qualities of us when it occurs. But I digress.
I'm writing this because I'm not simply a guy that knows stuff. I'm a human being with feelings (though I could tap into them much more).
Though the retrograde period feels more natural for me in many ways, it doesn't mean that the consciousness has to go away within me. I can make it a practice to honor my deepest values, and to pursue them while maintaining a calm, clear mind.
You know what's funny about that practice? It leads to a lifestyle where I don't put so much life-or-death emphasis on money.
Sure, I want it, it grants superpowers that allow me to expand beyond domestic and local affairs.
But it's not the be-all-end-all.
Hey, you out there. This is important. I think I might forget this deep dream again.
Sure I wrote in down in my blog, but, don't let me slip and forget. If you ever get a chance, remind me.
Just throwing it out there.
Excelsior Joymagic
Monday, March 31, 2014
American Hustle and the Astrological Feminine
I saw American Hustle for the first time last night. Putting aside a commentary that this movie along with others such as the Wolf of Wall Street are teaching unthinking minds to accept, righteously declare, and wallow in a life of decadence (hee hee) my mind drifted to another aspect of the movie altogether.
As an Astrologer, and a fervent lover of the craft of film-making, I tend to research the sun signs of the actors and/or the director(s). This gives a greater insight into the story the director wants to tell, and the performance given by the actors.
I know the four main actors' (Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence) sun signs from researching their previous works, and they are all highly talented and skilled artists. American Hustle was surprisingly good. Before watching it, I clearly saw that the movie was merely another work glorifying crime, and had dismissed it as being over-hyped.
The story, however, was quite good. It had a lot more texture, and the performances were a little raw, yet highly layered and sophisticated. And now on to the Astrology:
I immediately took note of the feminine energy in the film. Both Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence are Leos, and both women display the shadow feminine nature of Leo.
Jennifer Lawrence's character is entirely self-absorbed and extremely psychologically unstable and destructive, though not without good reason. She is not getting the attention she needs from business-minded Aquarius, Christian Bale's character. (Note that Aquarius and Leo oppose each other in the zodiac.) However with and unstable Leo, ruled by the Sun, this leads to Solar flares of destruction, symbolized by the two fires she starts in the house. She does it to get attention, but also because she is not feeling love. Bale's character does not love her, he is interested in someone else.
The other is Adams's character, also a Leo, who expresses the shadow feminine by bouncing from Bale (whom she was romantically involved with initially) to Cooper's character on a whim. Adams' character does this to protect her sensitive heart, also feeling Bale's Aquarian detachment and coolness. The planet in common that rules Cooper and Bale's Sun sign is Saturn, which is a cool, detached, orderly planet energy.
Cooper, who is a Capricorn, takes control of Bale and Adams by limiting (Saturn) their criminal activities to suit his supposedly noble cause. Adams's Leonine character is drawn to this new masculine energy, hoping that it will bring order to her inner, emotionally chaotic nature.
An interesting note with the two Leos is that their characters were not only emotionally unstable, they were willing to do nearly anything to receive affection, even if it was unhealthy. Lawrence's character was intellectual, voicing her frustrations and outsmarting Bale's character just to see him sweat, Adams's character also outsmarting Bale, but she was emotional and sexual, using sex to manipulate Bale's emotions.
The Dark Solar Feminine is broken in this movie, and craves the love and attention as a shining star that it so desperately needs to feel whole. Though self-love is the real lesson we all must learn, the movie resolves the Lioness's struggle through the true love of a man. Adams finally 'gets real' with herself and admits she loves Bale; Lawrence finally grows beyond her and Bale's dyfunctional marriage and falls in love with another man (what is his name?!?) who appreciates her--the Solar Feminine is made whole, to shine without violent flare born of brokenness, emptiness.
I simply found it interesting that David O. Russell chose this energy to portray the feminine in the movie--he himself teeters on the cusp of Leo and Virgo (but the way he told the stories in the movie is an entirely different blog).
To quote one of my favorite Energy teachers, David Deida, Feminine Essence is fulfilled by the flow of Love. 'American Hustle' demonstrated this knowledge beautifully.
Excelsior Joymagic aka
As an Astrologer, and a fervent lover of the craft of film-making, I tend to research the sun signs of the actors and/or the director(s). This gives a greater insight into the story the director wants to tell, and the performance given by the actors.
I know the four main actors' (Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence) sun signs from researching their previous works, and they are all highly talented and skilled artists. American Hustle was surprisingly good. Before watching it, I clearly saw that the movie was merely another work glorifying crime, and had dismissed it as being over-hyped.
The story, however, was quite good. It had a lot more texture, and the performances were a little raw, yet highly layered and sophisticated. And now on to the Astrology:
I immediately took note of the feminine energy in the film. Both Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence are Leos, and both women display the shadow feminine nature of Leo.
Jennifer Lawrence's character is entirely self-absorbed and extremely psychologically unstable and destructive, though not without good reason. She is not getting the attention she needs from business-minded Aquarius, Christian Bale's character. (Note that Aquarius and Leo oppose each other in the zodiac.) However with and unstable Leo, ruled by the Sun, this leads to Solar flares of destruction, symbolized by the two fires she starts in the house. She does it to get attention, but also because she is not feeling love. Bale's character does not love her, he is interested in someone else.
The other is Adams's character, also a Leo, who expresses the shadow feminine by bouncing from Bale (whom she was romantically involved with initially) to Cooper's character on a whim. Adams' character does this to protect her sensitive heart, also feeling Bale's Aquarian detachment and coolness. The planet in common that rules Cooper and Bale's Sun sign is Saturn, which is a cool, detached, orderly planet energy.
Cooper, who is a Capricorn, takes control of Bale and Adams by limiting (Saturn) their criminal activities to suit his supposedly noble cause. Adams's Leonine character is drawn to this new masculine energy, hoping that it will bring order to her inner, emotionally chaotic nature.
An interesting note with the two Leos is that their characters were not only emotionally unstable, they were willing to do nearly anything to receive affection, even if it was unhealthy. Lawrence's character was intellectual, voicing her frustrations and outsmarting Bale's character just to see him sweat, Adams's character also outsmarting Bale, but she was emotional and sexual, using sex to manipulate Bale's emotions.
The Dark Solar Feminine is broken in this movie, and craves the love and attention as a shining star that it so desperately needs to feel whole. Though self-love is the real lesson we all must learn, the movie resolves the Lioness's struggle through the true love of a man. Adams finally 'gets real' with herself and admits she loves Bale; Lawrence finally grows beyond her and Bale's dyfunctional marriage and falls in love with another man (what is his name?!?) who appreciates her--the Solar Feminine is made whole, to shine without violent flare born of brokenness, emptiness.
I simply found it interesting that David O. Russell chose this energy to portray the feminine in the movie--he himself teeters on the cusp of Leo and Virgo (but the way he told the stories in the movie is an entirely different blog).
To quote one of my favorite Energy teachers, David Deida, Feminine Essence is fulfilled by the flow of Love. 'American Hustle' demonstrated this knowledge beautifully.
Excelsior Joymagic aka
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
'I never thought I was weird. I just knew that you thought I was weird, and I just wanted someone to understand me.'
Life has taught me that when no one else gets it, I HAVE TO. There is no such thing as loneliness if you truly see yourself as an infinite being. If you don't, don't flagellate yourself, just keep practicing, and know that only ONLY YOU CAN TRULY ACCEPT YOURSELF FULLY. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Life has taught me that when no one else gets it, I HAVE TO. There is no such thing as loneliness if you truly see yourself as an infinite being. If you don't, don't flagellate yourself, just keep practicing, and know that only ONLY YOU CAN TRULY ACCEPT YOURSELF FULLY. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Receiving Love
There is a fine line between receiving Love in empowerment, and begging for Love.
Because in both cases, receiving Love is a mandate.
What is the fine line?
The one giving the mandate.
In the first case, it is the Heart, the Most High that commands you to honor your nature as Love.
In the second case, it is the ego, the illusory self, that believes it lacks Love and believes only others have it.
I am experiencing this challenge now. One one hand, Spirit, The Most High, is commanding me to receive Love. One the other, the old story that others have Love and not me is what the ego is mixing into Spirit's mandate and giving itself an excuse to act as a beggar and not an emperor.
Maybe in a case like this it serves to remember that no matter how much I pretend to be a beggar, I am an emperor of Love, who boldly gives and receives--a Lion of affection.
Perhaps it better serves to break down completely, to be a needy, clingy, mess, and receive the Love anyway.
Perhaps, there is no division, there is no fine line--
When personal responsibility is not avoided but fully embraced.
I Love,
and I am Loved.
My mandate is to receive all the way to my core.
Are you experiencing something like this? Please let me know.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Because in both cases, receiving Love is a mandate.
What is the fine line?
The one giving the mandate.
In the first case, it is the Heart, the Most High that commands you to honor your nature as Love.
In the second case, it is the ego, the illusory self, that believes it lacks Love and believes only others have it.
I am experiencing this challenge now. One one hand, Spirit, The Most High, is commanding me to receive Love. One the other, the old story that others have Love and not me is what the ego is mixing into Spirit's mandate and giving itself an excuse to act as a beggar and not an emperor.
Maybe in a case like this it serves to remember that no matter how much I pretend to be a beggar, I am an emperor of Love, who boldly gives and receives--a Lion of affection.
Perhaps it better serves to break down completely, to be a needy, clingy, mess, and receive the Love anyway.
Perhaps, there is no division, there is no fine line--
When personal responsibility is not avoided but fully embraced.
I Love,
and I am Loved.
My mandate is to receive all the way to my core.
Are you experiencing something like this? Please let me know.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
The Divine Feminine's many faces
Today I saw a beautiful video today showing how many paintings transitioned into each other. Here is the link:¬if_t=like
Read the comment stream (it's not very long).
Now this is the comment I was going to write on fb in addition to everything else I wrote, but decided to blog it:
"I don't want to give anyone the impression that I am an 'angry black person', because, quite simply, I am not. I am having this experience of being in a brown body, and of wanting to see brown people represented in a more balanced fashion. The following is going to be a huge digression into film and television, but I'm a big media-head (media for me means 'the liaison between you and information", and in this entry I mean film and television) so...brown people can be intelligent scientists, and main character superheroes.
American Brown people (that are referred to as blacks) can be just as compelling and emotionally gripping as Caucasians on screen, and not just Denzel Washington, Samuel L Jackson, or Morgan Freeman (and in a non contemporary case, Sydney Poitier). 'Blacks' weren't just 'slaves', that's a mind programme. 'Blacks' were spiritual Kings and Queens.
This is no slight against other so-called races, (which is a pretty ridiculous ideology, considering that DNA across the board varies little, meaning all of us have a common genetic stream, but anyway) who are also marginalized and heavily stereotyped (as if they couldn't find enough of 'em) in media. Maybe this rant shows that I might be lying about being an 'Angry black person'? I dunno. I just love movies, and I want to see all 'races' and physical features represented and appreciated in what we all watch."
What do you think? Do you think that all 'races' should be 'equally' represented in film and media. I put it in quotes because it's such an abused term, but I mean it in the purest way possible.
Alright, peace unto you,
G.A.B.E. aka Excelsior Joymagic¬if_t=like
Read the comment stream (it's not very long).
Now this is the comment I was going to write on fb in addition to everything else I wrote, but decided to blog it:
"I don't want to give anyone the impression that I am an 'angry black person', because, quite simply, I am not. I am having this experience of being in a brown body, and of wanting to see brown people represented in a more balanced fashion. The following is going to be a huge digression into film and television, but I'm a big media-head (media for me means 'the liaison between you and information", and in this entry I mean film and television) so...brown people can be intelligent scientists, and main character superheroes.
American Brown people (that are referred to as blacks) can be just as compelling and emotionally gripping as Caucasians on screen, and not just Denzel Washington, Samuel L Jackson, or Morgan Freeman (and in a non contemporary case, Sydney Poitier). 'Blacks' weren't just 'slaves', that's a mind programme. 'Blacks' were spiritual Kings and Queens.
This is no slight against other so-called races, (which is a pretty ridiculous ideology, considering that DNA across the board varies little, meaning all of us have a common genetic stream, but anyway) who are also marginalized and heavily stereotyped (as if they couldn't find enough of 'em) in media. Maybe this rant shows that I might be lying about being an 'Angry black person'? I dunno. I just love movies, and I want to see all 'races' and physical features represented and appreciated in what we all watch."
What do you think? Do you think that all 'races' should be 'equally' represented in film and media. I put it in quotes because it's such an abused term, but I mean it in the purest way possible.
Alright, peace unto you,
G.A.B.E. aka Excelsior Joymagic
Friday, February 21, 2014
Insanity is giving the same definition of it over and over again and thinking that you really understand what it means.
The popular definition of insanity is that it's "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Bull.
There are plenty of things in this world that we apply the same method to but expect different results, like, say, SCIENCE?!? Sure there are predictable aspects to it, but if we got the same result from the scientific method and others, we;d have figured it out already!
PEOPLE?!? You can say the same thing in the same way to a person and get a completely different response, and this is not due to insanity. It's just life. You never know what is on another person's mind. Sometimes doing the same thing and actually getting a different result can be pretty wild!
PLACES?!? You can go to your same favorite restaurant and have a completely different experience! Yes, you go to your favorite place expecting the same GENERAL experience, but your experience, even at your favorite place, is never exactly the same.
Weak examples? Maybe. I just think that the generally accepted definition of insanity is too general.
That's why the Einstein quote, "You can't solve problems with the same level of intelligence that created it" or some sort, is more accurate to me.
If you want to transcend a challenge, you must think, feel, and do differently. You cannot remain as you are--you must change your expression.
Attempting to get a new result with old mentality (thought, feeling, action) is detachment from the reality of the moment, and if taken to an extreme leads to insanity.
Again, just to finalize it, if you think you will transcend an 'obstacle' with the mentality that created the 'obstacle', this is detachment from the truth of the moment--insanity.
Okay, enough of my ranting. I just thought that the definition should be worded differently.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
The popular definition of insanity is that it's "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." Bull.
There are plenty of things in this world that we apply the same method to but expect different results, like, say, SCIENCE?!? Sure there are predictable aspects to it, but if we got the same result from the scientific method and others, we;d have figured it out already!
PEOPLE?!? You can say the same thing in the same way to a person and get a completely different response, and this is not due to insanity. It's just life. You never know what is on another person's mind. Sometimes doing the same thing and actually getting a different result can be pretty wild!
PLACES?!? You can go to your same favorite restaurant and have a completely different experience! Yes, you go to your favorite place expecting the same GENERAL experience, but your experience, even at your favorite place, is never exactly the same.
Weak examples? Maybe. I just think that the generally accepted definition of insanity is too general.
That's why the Einstein quote, "You can't solve problems with the same level of intelligence that created it" or some sort, is more accurate to me.
If you want to transcend a challenge, you must think, feel, and do differently. You cannot remain as you are--you must change your expression.
Attempting to get a new result with old mentality (thought, feeling, action) is detachment from the reality of the moment, and if taken to an extreme leads to insanity.
Again, just to finalize it, if you think you will transcend an 'obstacle' with the mentality that created the 'obstacle', this is detachment from the truth of the moment--insanity.
Okay, enough of my ranting. I just thought that the definition should be worded differently.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
'You' are always channeling consciousness. As a matter of fact, it's all consciousness. So who is channeling? Who is being channeled? The only thing that could possibly be channeling is the physical body--channeling the expression of the soul, aka pure consciousness.
What we call channeling is actually consciousness experiencing itself as having many different qualities.
Most human beings on this planet identify with their physcial body, meaning, they subconsciously believe that the physical body is is the totality of who they are. This belief gives birth to many others, one of them being the idea of 'channeling'.
Because most people (who are 'spiritual') believe that they are the physical body, they believe that their realm of influence is limited to the physical body, and no further.
Consciousness is One, and Infinite, but it experiences itself having many different qualities, influences, and forms.
So a 'person' (consciousness identifying with the physical body) can be surrounded by an unseen 'person' or 'being' (a consciousness of a particular influence or personality), and the physical person can allow this unseen being to use the person's physical body in some way--through thought, writing, speech, or the unseen being may use all of the faculties of the physical body.
Remember, however, that there is only One Consciousness, and everything is an expression of that consciousness. Even though the physical body is consciousness too, without the spark of life (soul) to drive it, it becomes lifeless. So if you are 'alive' (the soul is driving the body) that essentially means that you are already channeling--or, a better way to put it--you are being channeled by the physical body.
Just as a spaceman puts on his gear in order to experience space, so must consciousness 'put on' the physicality in order to experience physical reality.
All this talk of 'I was channeling' gives a great high (if your channeling a cool being in fully realized Divinity), but it is not special. The physical body is surrounded by an Infinite amount of energies and consciousnesses that you will never notice as a physical being; but there is a way that you can experience 'channeling' more often:
Inspiration and creativity.
When you feel inspired, your awareness expands into realms of reality where higher vibrational 'beings' dwell. Not all of these 'beings' are in your corner, however. Just like human beings, some want to help, some want to hurt (but these are low vibrational) some are indifferent. A Side Note: One key to identifying the kind of beings you are tapping into is shown by your emotional state.
You are always being channeled.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
What we call channeling is actually consciousness experiencing itself as having many different qualities.
Most human beings on this planet identify with their physcial body, meaning, they subconsciously believe that the physical body is is the totality of who they are. This belief gives birth to many others, one of them being the idea of 'channeling'.
Because most people (who are 'spiritual') believe that they are the physical body, they believe that their realm of influence is limited to the physical body, and no further.
Consciousness is One, and Infinite, but it experiences itself having many different qualities, influences, and forms.
So a 'person' (consciousness identifying with the physical body) can be surrounded by an unseen 'person' or 'being' (a consciousness of a particular influence or personality), and the physical person can allow this unseen being to use the person's physical body in some way--through thought, writing, speech, or the unseen being may use all of the faculties of the physical body.
Remember, however, that there is only One Consciousness, and everything is an expression of that consciousness. Even though the physical body is consciousness too, without the spark of life (soul) to drive it, it becomes lifeless. So if you are 'alive' (the soul is driving the body) that essentially means that you are already channeling--or, a better way to put it--you are being channeled by the physical body.
Just as a spaceman puts on his gear in order to experience space, so must consciousness 'put on' the physicality in order to experience physical reality.
All this talk of 'I was channeling' gives a great high (if your channeling a cool being in fully realized Divinity), but it is not special. The physical body is surrounded by an Infinite amount of energies and consciousnesses that you will never notice as a physical being; but there is a way that you can experience 'channeling' more often:
Inspiration and creativity.
When you feel inspired, your awareness expands into realms of reality where higher vibrational 'beings' dwell. Not all of these 'beings' are in your corner, however. Just like human beings, some want to help, some want to hurt (but these are low vibrational) some are indifferent. A Side Note: One key to identifying the kind of beings you are tapping into is shown by your emotional state.
You are always being channeled.
G.A.B.E. aka
Excelsior Joymagic
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